Pastor Kyle Coker
We are delighted to have you visit our church website. It is my privilege to serve as the pastor of Philadelphia Baptist Church.

Service Times
10:00am Sunday School
11:00am Morning Service
6:00pm Evening Service
7:15pm Evening Service
7:15pm Master Club (ages 3-12)
7:15pm Up Look (teens)

Upcoming Events
- March
- 6: Tri-State Fellowship
- 8-9: Marriage and Family Conference
- 22: Youth Field Day
- April
- 12: Macedonia Youth Meeting
- June
- 9-13: Teen Camp
- 23-27: Junior Camp
- July
- 14-18: Vacation Bible School
- August
- 23: Ladies Encourager
- September
- 6: Missions Youth Meeting
- 7-10: Missions Conference
- October
- 5-8: H.E.L.P. Meeting
- 18: Fall Festival
- December
- 7: Anniversary Sunday (Lunch)
- 20-21: Christmas Cantata
A Vision for the World
A Vital Place for Your Family
Our heart-felt prayer is for people to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and become actively involved in a Bible-believing, Bible-preaching church that cares for them. We make no apology for strong preaching, sound doctrine, and devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word. Come and visit with us anytime. You will find a friendly and loving atmosphere.

Philadelphia Christian School
Taking Children to Higher Learning
Our purpose is to provide quality academic training with a Christ-centered curriculum in a Christian environment and to develop young people who will be faithful servants and witnesses for the Lord Jesus Christ.
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North Georgia Baptist College
The Old, the New,
But the Same Landmarks
North Georgia Baptist College is owned and operated as a ministry of Philadelphia Baptist Church, which is an Independent Baptist Church located in Calhoun, Georgia. The school is supported by various churches and individuals interested in advancing the cause of Christian Education.
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